28 Dec

Moxibustion and Acupuncture works faster for breech baby

Recently there has a trend that more and more pregnant moms of breech baby came for treatment at late weeks. For moxa working in optimal time window is between 32 weeks to 35 weeks, moxa turning breech baby from 35 weeks to 37 weeks can be very difficult. People come for treatment at later weeks […]

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10 Oct

Using Moxa and Acupuncture to turn breech baby

Using moxa acupuncture to turn breech babies Studies have shown that Acupuncture is successful in turning breech or transverse babies to their optimal position for birth, using a Chinese technique called ‘moxibustion’ or ‘moxa’. This can be helpful for those wishing for a natural birth, or a birth with as little intervention as possible. What does […]

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