As we know, the cervical mucus is one of important factors in the pattern differentiation of Chinese Medicine OBGyn. The following is a study conducted by Dr. Emily Evans:
During the first cycle of the study, Cervical mucus monitoring(CMM) was performed consistently (checked on >66% of pertinent cycle days) by 20 women (6%), inconsistently (34% to 66% of days) by 60 women (18%), infrequently (≤33% of days) by 73 women (22%), and not performed by 178 women (54%). Cycles in which CMM was consistently performed were statistically significantly more likely to result in conception after adjusting for age, race, previous pregnancy, body mass index, intercourse frequency, and urinary luteinizing hormone (LH) monitoring. Fecundability also increased with increasing consistency of CMM.
Among women trying to conceive, CMM is uncommon, but our study suggests that CMM—a free, self-directed method to determine the fertile window—is associated with increased fecundability independent of intercourse frequency or use of urinary LH monitoring.
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