From a Western viewpoint, acupuncture works to alleviate stress by releasing natural pain-killing chemicals in the brain, called endorphins. In addition, acupuncture improves circulation of blood throughout the body, which oxygenates the tissues and cycles out cortisol and other waste chemicals. The calming nature of acupuncture also decreases heart rate, lowers blood pressure and relaxes the muscles.
In Chinese medicine, stress, anxiety, depression or any strong emotion interrupts the smooth flow of energy throughout the body. According to Chinese medical theory, energy flows through our body through a network of “roads”, almost like a highway system. Stress, anger, or any intense emotion acts like a traffic jam, blocking the free flow of energy in the body. For example, many people who are very stressed out complain of upper back, shoulder and neck pain. This is because stress is causing tension in those areas, blocking the free flow of energy, causing pain, tightness, and often leading to headaches.

One category is insomnia problems. Stress, worried, fear and lose of interest makes patient stay late, toss in bed, too much dream, frequent wakeup or sleep too much.
Another category stress & anxiety deals with is cardiovascular disease, like high cholesterol, hypertension, heart disease and stroke, pain.

The third category is weight gain, sugar craving, diabetes or simply does not exercise.
Acupuncture, Chinese herbology, moxibustion and bodywork Solutions
Inculding services
In traditional acupuncture, every patient is considered to be unique, and this means that we will be looking and listening very carefully to everything that the you say to establish a diagnosis and find the specific keys to unlocking the patterns of the symptoms you are suffering. We will aim to identify the imbalances which cause the symptoms of anxiety, not just treat the symptoms themselves. This whole ‘package’ – taking the patient’s individual story seriously and giving them time to tell it, trying to hone precisely the diagnosis, and selecting the optimum way to use the least needles to achieve the greatest effect – has been found to be very effective.