Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture / Acupuncture facelift is becoming a more popular, non-surgical method for those who want not only to maintain beauty, radiance and vitality in the face, but also improve their overall health and well being. Acupuncture facelifts have even been featured in the mainstream media, such as on ABC Television’s “Good Morning America” and Public Broadcasting System’s “Health Week.” Studies show that among 300 cases treated with facial acupuncture, 90 % had marked beneficial results with only one course of treatment (International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture, 1996).
Beauty cannot be obtained simply by slapping on colors and textures to the skin, because the skin reflects and reacts to your entire being –physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual. To keep you skin looking beautiful, wrinkle free, youthful and smooth on the outside, you must work on the inside of your body as well. Specific areas of the face indicate internal health, because the face is connected to your internal organs, and as “Qi” or “Chi” (vital energy) moves and circulates, it strengthens the functioning of organs connected to that area. Beautiful skin begins with good Chi, and blood circulation. Chi is the invisible envelope that revitalizes/lifts your energy. You can lift your face by lifting Chi. This can been done with acupuncture, as well as good herbal medicine.

We customize facial Rejuvenation For Every Individual
Acupuncture for facial beauty is a wonderful, holistic, alternative approach to fighting the aging process:
- Increasing the flow of energy, blood and lymph circulation improves the face’s natural, healthy color, diminishes wrinkles and eliminates fine lines
- Stimulating the formation of body fluids nourishes the skin and encourages it to be moister, softer, smoother, and more lustrous. Chinese herbs work excellently in replenishing Yin energy (body fluid), which is extremely beneficial in the prevention and/or improvement of wrinkles resulting from menopause or cigarette smoking.
- Promoting collagen production increases muscle tone and elasticity helping to firm the skin, fill out wrinkles, and reduce bags and sagging
- Healing physical, emotional and spiritual issues to reduce stress and improve overall health and well being. Since the body/mind/spirit are all connected, negative emotions reflect in the face and change the appearance of skin texture, color, and tension. Acupuncture can eliminate stress and bring out the innate strength, vitality and health.
- Most people are pleased to find that their sinus problems, headaches, toothache, TMJ, PMS and menopause have either disappeared or their symptoms are distinctly improved! You will not only look younger but also most certainly feel younger.
Excellent alternative approach without surgery and injection
Acupuncture is far less expensive, more natural, non-invasive and safer than plastic surgery or botox injection(s), and has no side effects, toxicity, inflammation, or recovery time.
Amazing Herbal Medicine Is the Fountain of Youth!
Herbal medicines, proven safe and effective through thousands of years of use, target different areas of disharmony and renew original beauty by enhancing adequate blood flow, moisture, energy and circulation.
Ren Shen Yang Rong Pian is an excellent beauty tonic herbal formula, which works internally to create Chi and restore blood, stimulate circulation, moisturize your skin, tone your muscles, and lift your face.
If you feel emotional stress, anxiety, anger, nervousness, and experience PMS, you may disrupt or block the flow of Chi, and/or blood circulation. We suggest Jia Wei Xiao Yao Pian to cultivate an inner calm that leads to inner and outer beauty.
Smokers, and women experiencing menopause often have dry, dull, thick skin. In Chinese Medicine, anything which irritates the lungs also dries the skin; and women in menopause also have Yin (body fluid) deficiency. Da Bu Yin Pian works wonderfully to provide moisture to body tissue, clean toxins, and improve skin quality.
Sleep is vital for the body to regenerate and rejuvenate. Without proper sleep, your body will deteriorate and age much faster and no miracle food or cosmetic solution can bring the beauty back. Gan Mai Da Zao Pian is an excellent remedy for those who experience not only restless sleep and/or insomnia but also depression, crying spells, night sweats, and mood swings.
If you have hair loss due to stress, hormone irregularities, or chemotherapy, Shou Wu Pian is a famous Chinese herbal formula for hair growth and prevention of premature graying. It nourishes the source of the hair–blood, bone marrow, liver and kidney. In time, your hair and skin can gain new luster.