Want to know Mr. Shu Fan?
Shu Fan was born in China. Most of his education and internship were completed in China.

Shu Fan
As owner of Washington Acupuncture Wellness Center, Mr.Shu Fan (樊舒先生) has been practicing Chinese Medicine and working on tens of thousands cases. In that, men and women’s Fertility cases take most part of all his treatments. Through years, he developed unique and effective treatment modalities helping patients to improve their fertility reserves, improve chances during nature conception and prepare for IVF procedures if needed.
Mr.Shu Fan (樊舒先生) is a licensed Washington DC Acupuncturist serving patients in DC, Virginia and Maryland area. Mr. Fan holds the National Certification of Oriental Medicine which includes the practice of Acupuncture, Chinese Herbology and Asian Bodywork Therapy.
Mr. Fan is specialized in pain management, fertility and skin care. He is a member of American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM 2016). He pursued his ObGyn study in China Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine under Prof. Tan Yong (谈勇) and had his clinic training in JiangSu Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine. His acupuncture advisor is Prof.Sheng (盛灿若). Mr. Fan’s office: 1712 I (eye) St NW,#410 , Washington, DC 20036 Tel: 202-246-8833 703-772-7592 202-609-8824 Email: acupuncturewellnessfan@gmail.com.
Rated as top acupuncturist and herbalist in Washington DC in RateMD.com, Mr.Shu Fan is committed to providing his patients with skillful, compassionate, holistic healthcare. Through his treatments, he seeks to activate the body’s innate healing ability; and through encouragement and education, he strives to empower his patients to be fully participant and invested in their health and treatment outcomes. His passion for acupuncture and Chinese medicine derives not only from the elegance, holism, and efficacy of the medicine, but from the patient empowerment and therapeutic results that arise from a focused and caring practitioner-patient relationship.
Mr. Shu Fan likes to study and practice of Taijiquan (Tai Chi) in his spare time.
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