In the DC area, the cost of acupuncture varies between $200 to $60 not including the community acupuncture. It is market driven based on the experience, knowledge and customer acceptance.
Acupuncture treatment is whole body/mind/spirit wellness healing. The practitioner’s experience, knowledge and sensitivity become important factors to the success of patient’s healing. Acupuncturist diagnoses base on several pattern differential methods not just relying on the lab test results. Therefore it cannot become a process line and every body can perform the same way and achieve the same results.And patients going to acupuncturist normally are result driven. They want to see the result with longing heart. The shorter time taken, the better.
For infertility treatment, normally it needs couple of months treatments. Some requires once a week or twice a week. Comparing to the IVF/IUI, the cost is low. Regarding to the cost, patients especially for those paying out of pocket need to do some market research to understand what this medicine can deliver, then make a call to practitioners’ office to check the price. Some may have discount for financial challenged situations.
On one side, good doctor shall have more kinder heart and listen to patient’s concern and make treatment affordable. On the other side, doctor needs to support his family and education. It is a balance.
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