The male infertility is normally ignored or not enough considerations have been paid by conventional medicine. Often the patients visited our acupuncture and herbal medicine clinic are female. When asked about their male partners’ sperm results, most of patients told us that their IVF fertility doctors said their husbands’ sperm quality are fine. In another words, their infertility situation is due to female issue and not the male issue even though the sperm tests shows inadequacy of the quality. The reasons behind this assumption are 1) IVF doctors think the male fertility issue can be resolved by the Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The ICSI was designed for an impenetrable barrier issue. It is not for all male infertility issues which mostly due to poor sperm quality. 2) there is actually not much means except hormones or vitamins per conventional medicine. Similar to egg quality, conventional medicine does not have effective means to address how to improve the sperm quality.
We have been using acupuncture and Chinese herbs to treat poor sperm quality issues based on traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and differentiations for over ten years. Our patients usually have fantastic result!
Following is the sperm tests comparison after 2-3 months acupuncture and herbal treatment. Morphology increased from 2 to 4. Motility increased from 67% to 80%, Concentration increased from 24 M to 41 M, and total Mobile sperms 34 M to 52 M. The great news is that his wife who is 43 years old just found out pregnant BY NATURE CONCEPTION !!
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