Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone produced by the placenta after implantation. HCG Levels can first be detected by a blood test about 11 days after conception and about 12-14 days after conception by a urine test. Typically, In 85% of normal pregnancies, hCG level will double every 48-72 hours. The level will reach its peak in the first 8-11 weeks of pregnancy (the first trimester) and then will decline and level off for the remainder of the pregnancy. Acupuncturists working on fertility are asked frequently about the relationship of HCG level and Acupuncture. So knowing the HCG and its normal readings and time into pregnancy will be important for acupuncturists to implement his/her treatment strategy.
Following is the gGuideline To HCG Levels During Pregnancy produced by
hCG levels in weeks from LMP (gestational age)* :
3 weeks LMP: 5 – 50 mIU/mL
4 weeks LMP: 5 – 426 mIU/mL
5 weeks LMP: 18 – 7,340 mIU/mL
6 weeks LMP: 1,080 – 56,500 mIU/mL
7 – 8 weeks LMP: 7, 650 – 229,000 mIU/mL
9 – 12 weeks LMP: 25,700 – 288,000 mIU/mL
13 – 16 weeks LMP: 13,300 – 254,000 mIU/mL
17 – 24 weeks LMP: 4,060 – 165,400 mIU/mL
25 – 40 weeks LMP: 3,640 – 117,000 mIU/mL
Non-pregnant females: 0 – 5 mIU/mL
Postmenopausal females: 0 – 8 mIU/mL
* These numbers are just a guideline – every woman’s level of hCG can rise differently. It is not necessarily the level that matters, but rather the change in the level.
During the first trimester, HCG is increasing significantly. Besides the emotional stress, nausea, tiredness, acupuncturists shall check the HCG level and patients conditions to determine acupuncture points and amount of stimulation.
If pregnancy stalls or miscarriages, HCG levels is important in determining early miscarriage. In early pregnancy HCG levels for pregnancy should consistently rise. If levels decline or increase at a low rate the pregnancy will likely result in miscarriage. HCG levels may continue to remain in the blood for 4-6 weeks after the loss.
acupuncture strategy shall change from notification of Qi into moving blood and help body excrete remaining tissue.
People may ask: “After miscarriages it took about 4 months for my HCG levels to return to normal (below 5), can acupuncture help make those levels drop faster?” or “With this current miscarriage my beta hcg level 4 weeks after are still 93….very frustrating and I am afraid it is going to take 3 months to get below 5.” The answer is “yes”. Proper use of acupuncture can help body better circulation in uterus and stomach area. Thus HCG level drop faster.
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