Platelet disorder can be alleviated sometimes with acupuncture and Chinese herbs. As acupuncture tunes up body to function more efficiently and herbs to supplement body for better nutrition for Blood.
Low platelet count from Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP): the body produces antibodies against platelets. The platelet count then falls making bleeding more likely.
ITP itself causes no problems with fertility, but another disorder called APS can sometimes go along with ITP and that can cause miscarriages. It wouldn’t hurt to ask your doctors to be tested.
Antiphospholipid SYndrome –
Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome or APS is an autoimmune disorder in which the body recognizes certain normal components of blood and/or cell membranes as foreign substances and produces antibodies against them. Patients with these antibodies may experience blood clots, including heart attacks and strokes, and miscarriages. APS may occur in people with systemic lupus erythematosus, other autoimmune diseases, or in otherwise healthy individuals.
“A definitive need exists to identify a biomarker of embryonic viability. Platelet-activating factor (PAF) production by human embryos is related to pregnancy potential. A low (60%) group had a significantly (P < 0.05) lower pregnancy rate than either the medium (85%) or high (89%) groups. A receiver–operator characteristic curve predicted a cut-off limit of 45 pmol/l/embryo for PAF content in human embryo conditioned culture media. CONCLUSIONS: The data demonstrate a correlation between PAF levels in human embryo conditioned culture media and pregnancy outcome. Additionally, as embryonic PAF levels increase so does the corresponding pregnancy rate. Therefore, PAF may be used as an indicator of embryo viability and for predicting pregnancy outcome." -Study of Embryonic platelet-activating factor: an indicator of embryo viability.
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