When patient’s FSH in the blood tests high, we can see estrogen medicine will be prescribed by conventional OBGYN doctor. However, does it help her follicles grow? NO. We have to understand the cause-effect relationship. Estrogen is a product that follicles generate.
“The discovery that most women with primary ovarian insufficiency have immature eggs remaining in their ovaries raises the possibility of developing treatments for the infertility that accompanies the condition,” said Alan E. Guttmacher, M.D., acting director of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), the NIH institute at which the study was conducted.
“Dr. Nelson explained that during a normal menstrual cycle, the pituitary gland releases follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which causes follicles to grow. While they are growing, follicles release the hormone estradiol, a form of estrogen. The pituitary also produces another hormone, called luteinizing hormone (LH), which remains at low levels during most of the cycle and then surges when it is time to ovulate. This LH surge gives the follicle a signal to break open and release the egg.”
The scientists found that in women with primary ovarian insufficiency, both FSH and LH levels are higher than in women without the condition.
The estrogen patch is used to counter the rise of FSH and LH so that the follicle can have time to grow when there is not enough primary follicles inside ovary. However, the growth of follicles might not related to estrogen patch afterward. It is related to internal genetic state and the quality of the blood to nourish it. What is the quality of blood? it is related to the functional state of body and the quality of the food patient takes. Certainly currently prenatal supplement such as vitamin or CoQ-10 is far not enough. Otherwise, we just give our children these thing to grow. And that is where the Chinese medicine story begins, and acupuncture, herbs, life style and mental state.
In conclusion, estrogen patch or medicine for high FSH or low ovary reserves does not solve the internal or cause issue but just reduce the condition of the issue, which is hot flash and preparation of the uterus lining.
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