When I treat patients with acupuncture and Chinese herbs, many patients have question on why their basal body temperature dip 7 days after ovulation. Here is my answer:
Ovulation happens when we see the bbt chart the temperature curve moves up. If there are sperms in the Fallopian tubes, fertilization can occur about 12-24 hours after ovulation, then at fertilization D0: pronucleus formation begin, first cleavage division. D1 2 cell stage. D2 4 cell stage D3 Early morula, D4 late morula, D6-7 after fertilization, Blastocyst implantation.
Adding all days together, we can see why the temperature dips and then return. It tells us the implantation happens. Give our best wishes that this process will continue and sustain. Normally at day 14 of ovulation or week 2 of the transfer, patient will have a blood test to confirm. For nature pregnancy, it would be later I recommend. There could be many temperature dips in one menstrual cycle, however, this is the one of them I will check.
Chart Key: https://www.fertilityfriend.com/layouts/ttc/help/chart_key.html
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