There are several reasons that acupuncture is involved in the embryo transfer and sometimes FROZEN EMBRYO TRANSFER (FET).
1) Most well known situation is used prior to and after the transfer to increase the successful rate of implantation. Acupuncture has been demonstrated in studies to improve uterine lining for FET embryo implantation. Similar effect has been shown by using Chinese herbs.
2) For singles who wants to prepare the FROZEN EMBRYO for their future use. Acupuncture helps the growth of eggs and thus increase the quality of eggs.
3) For cancer patients who plan to preserve their FROZEN EMBRYO for future use. This would be similar to the above two cases that acupuncture and herbs can help improve the chances of success for implantation, reduce the side effect of cancer treatment and enhance the growth of eggs or improvement of follicle reserve.
As far as the probability of successful implantation, FROZEN EMBRYO is a bit less because there will be some damages when it goes through thawing process.
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