Many men are stressed with impotence. Impotence can be caused by many factors, from imbalances in hormones, to actual physical damage, to psychological or emotional problems. Paul F. Engelhardt, MD, of the Hospital Leinz in Vienna, Austria, and colleagues did a study to see if men suffering from impotence that has more of a mental cause can be helped by acupuncture.
Acupuncture involves placing very fine needles in various parts of the body to relieve pain or stress. All 13 men in the study, average age 42, received acupuncture. But they were split into two groups receiving different treatments. One is real acupuncture treatment. The other group is placebo treatment.
The final results? Eight of the participants claimed they were “cured.” Engelhardt says. “About two-thirds of our patients reported good results of our acupuncture therapy; they defined themselves as cured; they didn’t demand any additional therapy. About one-third of the patients told us that they had some improvements of their quality of life, that their erections were a little bit better than at the start of the treatment”
This finding is consistent to result from acupuncturists. Even without clear issue of erectile dysfunction, energy level after acupuncture session has improved greatly for men in addition to improvement of quality and quality of sperm.
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