Acupuncture ‘doubles the chances of getting pregnant through IVF’
Over 46 per cent of women undergoing acupuncture treatment conceived
While only 21.7 per cent of the women became pregnant in the other group. Treatment may be offered as a possible method of improving IVF outcome. Expert says it may only work due to patient spending time with practitioner
Acupuncture may double the chances of a woman conceiving with IVF, a study has found.
Among couples undergoing the fertility treatment, the likelihood of pregnancy was greatly improved if the woman also had acupuncture.
Scientists at Homerton University Hospital studied 127 women aged between 23 and 43, on their first or second cycle of IVF. They were split into two groups – one having four sessions of acupuncture while undergoing IVF, and the other having none.
Among the treatment group, 46.2 per cent conceived – more than twice as many as in the other group, where only 21.7 per cent of the women became pregnant.
The NHS advises on its Choices website that acupuncture is safe when practiced with good hygiene by a qualified acupuncture practitioner.
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