Many people think acupuncture can help treating infertility. However, they don’t understand it is the body gets stimulated and works itself to be better functioning.
People often ask to have acupuncture included in their ART like IVF or IUI. For people who have menstrual irregularity or just don’t want to try ART, acupuncture or herbs can offer the help for both. Or accurately saying, acupuncture help reproductive system and other systems self regulated well.
Most of my infertility patients ages range from 30s to early 40s. Recently I have a 41 year old patient who wanted to get her back pain “fixed” and also her menstrual pain issue. She may not expect pregnancy as her age and circumstance. In addition to back pain needles, I added a few needles for her menstrual pain/regulation. After a month, she got pregnant naturally and back pain is improved also.
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