While we are working our best in the realm of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, there are also our counterparts in conventional medicine which are striving to provide their best for patients. This post is for convenience of people who are interested in finding fertility clinic of western medicine in DC area. We also have patients who have been treated in those IVF centers.
Shady Grove Fertility Reproductive Center
Columbia Fertility Reproductive Center
Genetics and IVF Institute
George Washington University Medical Faculty Associates
Dominion Fertility in DC,VA
Muasher Center for Fertility and IVF located in Fairfax, VA
Washington Fertility Center: Annandale, Virginia
The data provides comprehensive information and success rates for all initiated IVF cycles. Though a comparison of clinic success rates may not be meaningful because patient medical characteristics, treatment approaches, and entrance criteria for ART may vary from clinic to clinic.
IUI Success RATE:
Pregnancy rates following IUI according to age and diagnosis (red = ovulation disorders / PCO, gold = unexplained and mild male factor, and blue = diminished ovarian reserve, uterine, and tubal factors).
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jabroon piece
fertility treatment
Undergoing in-vitro fertilisation is traumatic at the best of periods, but as we age, the procedure definitely develops a actual feeling of emergency as we become more alert to the ticking of our natural time.