Because 40% of infertility is caused by men side, while doing acupuncture treatment for women, months earlier, there is also acupuncture treatment for the male to improve sperm quality and quality: total sperm count, motility and morphology.
There three major factors in analyzing the sperms quality are: Total count, Motility, and Morphology.
The total count should be greater than 40 to 60 million; Motility greater than 50%; Morphology greater than 30%. WHO. (>14% Strict).
Study reports on Acupuncture for Male Infertility from China
(please note fertility labs in China consider a total sperm count of less than 110 million/ejaculation to be abnormal.)
Case Study #4.
In a group of 160 patients, all have over a year history of infertility due to sperm deficiency. Tests showed that their sperm count was less than 60 million, motility less than 60%. After acupuncture treatments for infertility, 125 patients considered cured, with a sperm count of over 60 million and motility over 60%. In 33 cases there was marked improvement with an increase in sperm count and motility. In 2 cases there was no change. All in the first group were considered cured. 74 women are pregnant.
Journal of Chinese Acupuncture 1984
Case Study #8
One male 25 years old, married for 4 years with no child. Sperm analysis showed that there were 800,000/ml, motility 40% . He received acupuncture, after 2 weeks tests showed that his sperm count has increased to 84 million /ml. Four months later his wife was pregnant.
Oriental Medicine in Fu Jian Province 1986
case Study #12
There were 248 patients who have male infertility. After acupuncture treatments for infertility, 89 were cured, 77 made major improvement and 85 cases no change.
Journal of Chinese Acupuncture 1987.
Case Study #13
In a study of 45 patients, After acupuncture treatments for infertility, 22 were cured, 13 improved, minor improvement in 6 cases, and 4 cases no change.
Journal of Chinese Medicine in Tin Jing 1988
Case Study #17
145 of male infertility received acupuncture. 96 cases improved with a sperm count of 70 million/ml with motility greater than 60%, amorphous of less than 15%. 35 made improvement and 14 patients had no change.
Journal of New Chinese Medicine 1988
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